Your nervous system, first
Unlocking your frozen fascia aka connective tissues, so your nervous system finally, “FEEL SAFE”
Your nervous system is trying to tell you something through pain.
I want to dispel 3 myths:
Do you experience ongoing pain in your body? Have the aches and soreness become a regular part of your life? Have you become resigned to your chronic pain?
With the busyness of everyday life - your job, family, loved ones, and chores - it can be easy to not listen to your body. And so, it might start off small, but over time the pain in your body increases, in some cases to a debilitating point.
Myth #1: You have to accept pain as just a normal part of your life.
Fact: I want to tell you that it’s not. It’s your body’s way of crying out for help.
From a sore back to a strained neck, most people think that the pain is caused by sore muscles.
Myth #2: The cause of your pain is sore muscles.
Fact: It’s more to do with your body being out of alignment due to your frozen fascia, the overlooked and not easily understood but crucial connective tissue.
Do you feel tightness in your stomach area? Does your body feel compressed or locked up?
Myth #3: To address your issues, you require physical treatment.
Fact: Physical treatment must be simultaneously done with emotional and mental treatment. All types of trauma - physical, emotional, and mental - are stored in our bodies, and so too often only the physical is addressed while missing the two other crucial components. A not-yet commonly known, but highly effective, treatment is block therapy, which involves the exploration of those traumas stored within the body and the decompression of one’s fascia. As one of the few practitioners using block therapy, I’m excited to share this trasnformational treatment with you.
For over a decade studying various modalities, again and agin, I have come to simple conclusion of “Everything is truly connected “ and how we are misaligned from our normal alignment. Helping patients, not only finally to take control of their pain and having many ah- ha moments to truly empower them has been my mission.
Chornic pain became somehow normal part of life these days and it shouldn’t be. I don’t believe in treating the symptoms.
Rather, I will guide you in identifying and treating the root causes pain by creating spaces in your nervous system and your body, so that pain doesn’t control you.
I want to dispel the common misconceptions that so many people have about health:
Super Muscle Therapy combines Registered Massage Therapy, Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST), Block therapy, Kinesio Taping, Fluid Isometrics, Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization, Neuro kinetic therapy, Cranio-sacral therapy and much more to offer you “holistic freedom“ so that pain doesn’t limit your life.
what people say
- Christine Brooks (The Bar method instructor)
"Over the course of three years I sustained injuries from 3 different motor vehicle accidents. When I wasn't progressing to pre accident condition I started to search for a therapist who could read my body and address the existing concerns. Finding Connor was a total game changer for me. He is intuitive, result driven and has an arsenal of skills that prove to be deeply healing. In a city full of therapists, Connor's treatments stand out like a trumpet in the middle of a lullaby. I cannot recommend him enough."
- Serena Dulay
I've only just started my healing journey with Connor, but I could tell from the moment I stepped into his practice I was in good hands. His expertise extends far beyond just the physical manipulation of muscles; he truly understands the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and spirit.
What sets Connor apart is his commitment to holistic healing. He takes the time to listen to your concerns, understand your body's unique needs, and tailor each session accordingly. His approach isn't just about providing temporary relief; it's about addressing the root causes of discomfort and promoting long-term wellness.
Through a combination of fascia release techniques and block therapy, Connor has helped me release stagnant energy, improve my posture, and slowly restore balance to my body.
- Stewart W
Connor does transformational work. He is remarkably versatile, from deep sports work and stretching to intense fascial work, depending on what you need or want. You can tell him where to focus or leave it up to him. His phenomenal intuition pays off every time. He is one of the most creative therapists -- never repetitive or boring, and the body responds. If you're used to really deep work, you won't find any better. If you're not, you will be amazed at how different it feels and how it long it lasts.